Make America Gay Again Hat Rainbow

Symbol of LGBT Move

Rainbow LGBT Pride flag
Gay Pride Flag.svg
Name LGBT Pride flag
Use Symbol of the LGBT community
Proportion ii:3[ citation needed ]
Adopted 1978
Design Six colored striped flag (from top to lesser): blood-red, orange, xanthous, light-green, blue, and violet.
Designed by Gilbert Baker

The rainbow flag is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and queer pride and LGBT social movements. Also known equally the gay pride flag or LGBT pride flag, the colors reverberate the multifariousness of the LGBT community and the spectrum of human being sexuality and gender. Using a rainbow flag equally a symbol of gay pride began in San Francisco, but eventually became common at LGBT rights events worldwide.

Originally devised by artist Gilbert Baker, the pattern has undergone several revisions since its debut in 1978, get-go to remove colors and then restore them based on availability of fabrics.[1] [2] Bakery's first rainbow flag had eight colors, though the virtually common variant consists of six stripes: crimson, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The flag is typically flown horizontally, with the ruby-red stripe on acme, every bit it would be in a natural rainbow.

LGBT individuals and allies currently use rainbow flags and many rainbow-themed items and color schemes as an outward symbol of their identity or support. In improver to the rainbow, many other flags and symbols are used to communicate specific identities within the LGBT customs.

History [edit]

Original eight-stripe version designed by Gilbert Bakery in 1978

Seven-color version due to unavailability of hot pink fabric

Six-color version popular since 1979, with royal blue replacing both turquoise and indigo.

Origin [edit]

Gilbert Bakery, born in 1951 and raised in Parsons, Kansas, had served in the United states of america Army betwixt 1970 and 1972. After an honorable discharge, Bakery taught himself to sew. In 1974, Baker met Harvey Milk, an influential gay leader, who after challenged Baker to devise a symbol of pride for the gay community.[3] The original gay pride flags flew at the San Francisco Gay Freedom 24-hour interval Parade celebration on June 25, 1978.[4] Prior to that outcome, the Pinkish triangle had been used as a symbol for the LGBT community, despite representing a dark chapter in the history of homosexuality. The Nazi authorities had used the pinkish triangle to identify and stigmatize men interned as homosexuals in the concentration camps. Rather than relying on a Nazi tool of oppression, the customs sought a new inspiring symbol.

A close friend of Baker's, contained filmmaker Arthur J. Bressan Jr., pressed him to create a new symbol at "the dawn of a new gay consciousness and liberty".[5] According to a profile published in the Bay Area Reporter in 1985, Baker "chose the rainbow motif because of its associations with the hippie movement of the Sixties but he notes that the use of the design dates all the mode back to ancient Egypt."[6] Baker also may have been inspired past the Judy Garland vocal "Over the Rainbow" (Garland beingness among the showtime gay icons).[7] [eight] In addition, Bakery was likely influenced by the "Flag of the Races" (with five horizontal stripes: red, white, brown, xanthous, and black) pop amidst the Globe peace and Hippie movement of the 1960s.[9] [10] [eleven] [12]

The first rainbow flags commissioned by the fledgling pride committee were produced by a team that included artist Lynn Segerblom.[13] Segerblom was then known every bit Faerie Argyle Rainbow; co-ordinate to her, she created the original dyeing process for the flags.[14] Thirty volunteers hand-dyed and stitched the showtime two flags for the parade.[15] The original flag design had eight stripes, with a specific meaning assigned to each of the colors:[16] [17] [18]

Hot pinkish Sex
Carmine Life
Orange Healing
Yellow Sunlight
Light-green Nature
Turquoise Magic/Fine art
Indigo Tranquillity
Violet Spirit

The two original flags created for the 1978 parade were believed lost for over 40 years until a remnant of one was rediscovered among the possessions of Baker.[19]

1978 to 1979 [edit]

Subsequently the assassination of gay San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk on Nov 27, 1978, demand for the rainbow flag greatly increased. In response, the Paramount Flag Company began selling a version using stock rainbow fabric with seven stripes: crimson, orangish, yellowish, green, turquoise, blue, and violet. Equally Baker ramped up product of his version of the flag, he besides dropped the hot pink stripe considering textile in that color was not readily available. San Francisco-based Paramount Flag Co. also began selling a surplus stock of Rainbow Girls flags from its retail shop on the southwest corner of Polk and Mail, at which Gilbert Baker was an employee.[xx]

In 1979, the flag was modified again. Aiming to decorate the street lamps forth the parade route with hundreds of rainbow banners, Baker decided to split the motif in 2 with an fifty-fifty number of stripes flanking each lamp pole. To accomplish this consequence, he dropped the turquoise stripe that had been used in the seven-stripe flag. The effect was the six-stripe version of the flag that would go the standard for future production — red, orangish, yellow, light-green, blue, and violet.[twenty]

1980s to 2000s [edit]

In 1989, the rainbow flag came to further nationwide attending in the U.Southward. after John Stout sued his landlords and won when they attempted to prohibit him from displaying the flag from his West Hollywood, California, apartment balcony.[21]

In 2000, the University of Hawaii at Manoa changed its sports teams' name from "Rainbow Warriors" to "Warriors" and redesigned its logo to eliminate a rainbow from it. Initially Able-bodied Director Hugh Yoshida said that the change was to altitude the school's athletic program from homosexuality. When this drew criticism, Yoshida and so said the change was only to avoid make confusion.[22] The schoolhouse then allowed each team to select its own name, leading to a mix including "Rainbow Warriors", "Warriors", "Rainbows" and "Rainbow Wahine". This decision was reversed in February 2013, when current athletic managing director Ben Jay forced all men'southward athletic teams to be nicknamed "Warriors" and all women's teams "Rainbow Warriors", and again in May 2013 when all teams were one time once again called "Rainbow Warriors" regardless of sex.[23] [24]

The rainbow flag celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2003. During the gay pride celebrations in June of that year, Gilbert Baker restored the rainbow flag back to its original eight-striped version and advocated that others do the same. He afterward unveiled his final version with ix stripes for the 39th ceremony of the first rainbow flag.[25] Reportedly in response to Donald Trump'southward election, Baker added a ninth stripe in lavender (in a higher place the hot pinkish stripe at the top) to correspond diversity.[26] [27] Nevertheless, much of the wider gay community has continued to apply the better known half-dozen-striped version.

In autumn 2004 several gay businesses in London were ordered past Westminster City Council to remove the rainbow flag from their bounds, as its display required planning permission.[28] When one store practical for permission, the Planning sub-committee refused the application on the chair'due south casting vote (May 19, 2005), a decision condemned by gay councilors in Westminster and the so Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. In November the quango announced a reversal of policy, stating that about shops and bars would be allowed to fly the rainbow flag without planning permission.

In June 2004 LGBT activists sailed to Commonwealth of australia's uninhabited Coral Sea Islands Territory and raised the rainbow flag, proclaiming the territory independent of Australia, calling it the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Ocean Islands in protest to the Australian government'due south refusal to recognize same-sex marriages. The rainbow flag is the official flag of the kingdom.[29]

2010s [edit]

The White Business firm illuminated in the rainbow flag colors in June 2015

In June 2015, The Museum of Mod Art acquired the rainbow flag symbol as role of its pattern drove.[30] [31] [32]

On June 26, 2015, the White Business firm was illuminated in the rainbow flag colors to commemorate the legalization of same-sexual activity marriages in all 50 U.S. states, following the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Courtroom decision.

An emoji version of the flag ( 🏳️‍🌈 ) was formally proposed in July 2016,[33] and released that November.[34]

2020s [edit]

Afterwards having been thought lost for over four decades, a portion of one of the original 1978 eight-colour rainbow flags was rediscovered. Donated in Apr 2021 to the GLBT Historical Society, the department is the just known surviving remnant of the two inaugural rainbow flags.[4]

Polish nationalists trampled on, spat on, and burned the rainbow flag during Independence Twenty-four hours marches in Warsaw in the 2020s. In one case a mob burned down a residential building considering it was flying a rainbow flag and had a Women'due south Strike sign.[35]

Transnationalism [edit]

How the flag has influenced the globe [edit]

The rainbow flag has outgrown its original purpose and has instead been repurposed to manifest a multitude of transnational and globalized ways of being queer. In a few scholarly articles, the rainbow flag is described as a "floating signifier."[36] [37] A floating signifier refers to the person giving the object its interpreted meaning and significance.[37] Flags are ambivalent symbols that hold different ideologies, meanings, and agendas depending on the beholder. Therefore, the rainbow flag is a boundary object that not only brings together queer communities locally and transnationally, but can also create debates and conflicts.[36] In the easily of the beholder the rainbow flag can become malleable in its significance.

In March 2016 rainbow stamps were created past a post in Sweden and Kingdom of denmark to gloat pride and is a physical evidence of the rainbow pride flag traversing beyond borders internationally.[36] The rainbow flag can physically connect and spread its messages beyond borders physically, but information technology tin can also practise this symbolically. The rainbow has get a symbol to show solidarity for queer rights, tolerance, and variety. It has become common to display a rainbow in store fronts or on websites to indicate that the space if queer friendly.[36] [38] The rainbow flag is a symbol that not only creates a prophylactic space for the queer customs, only too creates interpersonal relations through experiences that connects queer folks across borders. A rainbow is a signal to identify allies and many people will wear the symbol to indicate so. Whether it is on their clothes, their accessories, simply one mutual item of jewelry is the pride necklace or freedom rings, consisting of half-dozen rings, 1 of each color, on a chain. The rainbow symbol grows increasingly globalized and radically altered by different queer communities based on their unlike culture and issues of business organisation. Therefore, in spite of its origin in America, the rainbow flag is now waved and donned by many individuals globally to represent their own version of solidarity. Many government official buildings in different countries, like Europe, America, and Sweden, display the rainbow flag as a way to demonstrate solidarity, diversity, and commonness.[36] [37] Today in the Economic South and North the rainbow flag is used to symbolize sexual rights and challenge heteronormativity.

Rainbow colors as a symbol of LGBT pride [edit]

The rainbow flag has found wide application on all manner of products. The rainbow flag colors are routinely used as a show of LGBT identity and solidarity. The rainbow colors have become so widely recognized equally a symbol of LGBT pride and identity that they take effectively replaced nigh other LGBT symbols, including the Greek letter lambda and the pink triangle. The rainbow flag is a symbol that goes beyond its four corners and is recognizable by its colors alone. The rainbow colors have become synonymous with pride, diversity, and liberation. In many cases activists and politicians take weaponized the rainbow to create a public and political statement to stand for their liberal ideals and acceptance in diversity. There take been many activism statements made with using the rainbow colors to create "hidden flags," in guild to express their political calendar and support for gay rights and diversity. For case, in Poland on Baronial vi, 2020, President Andrzej Duda was sworn in for a second term supporting an anti-LGBTQ+ entrada and the opposing politicians planned beforehand to coordinate and article of clothing a colored outfit to each represent a color of the rainbow to stand in protest.[39] There is another instance where a grouping of Latin American activists created a "hidden flag," with their outfits in Russia which bans the rainbow flag. The hidden flag is a subtle tactic that tin can exist utilized in hostile environments for queer folks.[40] The rainbow flag was created in America by Gilbert Baker in 1978, but the flag has get a visible cultural symbol[38] that transgress national borders and has evolved to encompass more than than but gay rights. Information technology now connects queer communities beyond borders.

Critiques [edit]

There is a strong critique made past scholars and activists on the rainbow symbol beingness overly-commercialized and the circularization of these products is commodifying queerness. In that location is a concern of the rainbow symbol being white-washed and regressed to maintain a Eurocentric and colonial influence.[37] Although rainbow products create a sense of connectedness and belonging for those who share similar experiences in oppression, exclusion, marginalization, and mistreatment, the products take become superficial at times. A concept called, pride for sale,[41] during pride calendar month there is an overflowing amount of publicity and advertising from big companies waving the rainbow flag and selling pride merchandise, just it has been noted by activists and scholars that every bit soon as pride month is over so are all of the promotions. There is also a critique made nearly how the pride flag has deviate too much from its purpose equally a radical symbol for queer rights specifically.[37] However, one constant feature that remains the same across the board is that the rainbow flag is used to create and symbolize a social modify, liberation, and intolerance for injustice.

In Poland, some activists have been charged with crimes such as "offending religious feelings" and "insulting a monument" for use of rainbow flags and symbols. In response, at that place is a slogan "Tęcza nie obraża" (The rainbow does non offend).

Variations [edit]

Many variations of the rainbow flag have been used. Some of the more common ones include the Greek letter lambda (lower case) in white in the centre of the flag and a pink triangle or black triangle in the upper left corner. Other colors have been added, such as a black stripe symbolizing those community members lost to AIDS. The rainbow colors accept likewise ofttimes been used in gay alterations of national and regional flags, replacing for instance the cherry-red and white stripes of the flag of the United states. In 2007, the Pride Family Flag was unveiled at the Houston, Texas pride parade.

In the early years of the AIDS pandemic, activists designed a "Victory over AIDS" flag consisting of the standard six-stripe rainbow flag with a black stripe across the lesser. Leonard Matlovich, himself dying of AIDS-related illness, suggested that upon a cure for AIDS being discovered, the black stripes be removed from the flags and burned.[15]

LGBT communities in other countries have adopted the rainbow flag. A South African gay pride flag which is a hybrid of the rainbow flag and the national flag of South Africa was launched in Greatcoat Town in 2010. Flag designer Eugene Brockman said "I truly believe we (the LGBT customs) put the dazzle into our rainbow nation and this flag is a symbol of only that."[42]

The 2017 Gilbert Baker nine-stripe pride flag

The Philadelphia 2017 eight-stripe flag

In March 2017, Gilbert Baker created a nine-stripe version of his original 1977 flag, with lavander, pink, turquoise and indigo stripes along with the ruddy, orange, yellowish, green and violet. Co-ordinate to Baker, the lavander stripe symbolizes diverseness.[43]

In June 2017, the city of Philadelphia adopted a revised version of the flag designed by the marketing firm Tierney that adds black and dark-brown stripes to the top of the standard six-color flag, to draw attending to issues of people of color within the LGBT community.[44] [45] [46]

Estêvão Romane 2018 nine-stripe flag

On February 12, 2018, during the street carnival of São Paulo, thousands of people attended a parade called Love Fest,[47] which historic homo diversity, sexual and gender equality. A version of the flag, created past Estêvão Romane, co-founder of the festival, was unveiled which presented the original eight stripe flag with a white stripe in the middle, representing all colors (human being diversity in terms of faith, gender, sex preferences, ethnicities), and peace and matrimony amid all.[48]

In June 2018 designer Daniel Quasar released a redesign incorporating elements from both the Philadelphia flag and trans pride flag to bring focus on inclusion and progress inside the community. The flag design immediately went viral equally the Progress Pride Flag on social media, prompting worldwide coverage in news outlets.[49] [fifty] [51] While retaining the common six-stripe rainbow design as a base, the "Progress" variation adds a chevron along the hoist that features black, brown, low-cal bluish, pink, and white stripes to bring those communities (marginalized people of colour, trans individuals, and those living with HIV/AIDS and those who accept been lost) to the forefront; "the arrow points to the right to testify forrard move, while being forth the left edge shows that progress withal needs to be fabricated."[52]

Social Justice Pride Flag

In July 2018 the Social Justice Pride Flag was released in Chennai, India in the Chennai Queer LitFest inspired past the other variations of the Pride flag around the earth.[53] [54] The flag was designed by Chennai-based gay activist Moulee. The design incorporated elements representing Self-Respect Motion, anti-degree movement and leftist ideology in its blueprint. While retaining the original 6 stripes of the rainbow flag, the Social Justice Pride Flag incorporates black representing the Self-Respect Move, bluish representing Ambedkarite motility and red representing left values.[55]

In 2018, marchers at the Equality March in Częstochowa carried a modified version of the flag of Poland in rainbow colors. They were reported to prosecutors for desecration of national symbols of Poland, simply the prosecutors determined that no law-breaking had been committed.[56]

The 2018 New Pride Flag by Julia Feliz integrates the historic and modern-mean solar day struggles of the LGBT movements with racism, following intersectionality.[57] [58] The pattern adds the colors of the Trans Pride Flag with brown and black diagonal stripes,[59] emphasizing the importance of trans people of color for the queer rights motion from its inception at the Stonewall riots. Since 2021 gain from the design become to a mutual-aid based US nonprofit aimed at BIPOC transgender and queer people and virtually spreading sensation on the asymmetric effects of transphobia and homophobia on these people.[60]

Intersex-inclusive redesign of the Progress Pride flag by Valentino Vecchietti

In 2021, Valentino Vecchietti of Intersex Equality Rights UK redesigned the Progress Pride flag to incorporate the intersex flag.[61] This design added a yellowish triangle with a purple circle in it to the chevron of the Progress Pride flag. Intersex Equality Rights UK posted the new flag on Instagram and Twitter, and information technology since went viral on social media.[62] [63]

Notable flag creations [edit]

Mile-long flags [edit]

The mile-and-a-quarter-long flag (2 km) stretching across Cardinal Westward in 2003

For the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in 1994, flag creator Baker, aka Sis Chanel 2001 of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, was commissioned to create the world's largest rainbow flag.[64] The mile-long flag, dubbed "Raise the Rainbow",[65] took months of planning and teams of volunteers to coordinate every aspect.[65] The flag utilized the basic six colors and measured 30 feet (9.i thou) wide. After the march, foot-wide (0.thirty chiliad) sections of the flag were given to private sponsors afterwards the event had ended. Additional large sections of the flag were sent with activists and used in pride parades and LGBT marches worldwide.[64] I large section was later taken to Shanghai Pride in 2014 by a pocket-sized contingent of San Francisco Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and documented in the motion picture Stilettos for Shanghai.[66] The Guinness Book of World Records confirmed it equally the earth's largest flag.[67]

In 2003 Bakery was once more commissioned to produce a giant flag mark the 25th anniversary of the flag itself. Dubbed "25Rainbow Sea to Sea", the project entailed Bakery once again working with teams of volunteers but this flag utilized the original viii colors and measured 1 and a quarter miles (2 km) across Primal W, Florida, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.[68] [69] The flag was over again divided afterward and sections were sent to over a hundred cities worldwide.[70]

Other big flags [edit]

The largest rainbow flag in the Southern Hemisphere is a six-stripe 1 beginning flown to marking the 4th Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) Pride in 2014,[71] held in the Eastern Cape province urban center of South Africa, Port Elizabeth.[72] It measures twelve by viii metres (39 by 26 ft), and flies on the country's tallest flag pole, which is lx metres (200 ft) high,[72] and is in Donkin Reserve, in Port Elizabeth's central business commune.[73] NMB Pride had the flag manufactured, in part, as a symbol for LGBT youth to feel empowered even if they were not able to come out.[73] On the decision to fly the flag, a spokesperson for the municipality said, NMB "officially adds its voice to governments committing, firstly, to recognizing the LGBT customs, and nigh chiefly, to uphold the rights of the LGBT customs".[74] Information technology is regularly flown for NMB Pride too as March 21 which is Human Rights Day in South Africa, and International Solar day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, both commemorating the 1960 Sharpeville massacre.

On June 1, 2018, Venice Pride in California flew the world's largest complimentary-flight flag to launch United We Pride.[75] Afterwards its debut for Venice Pride, the flag traveled to San Francisco at the end of the month for SF Pride and the fortieth anniversary of the rainbow flag'due south adoption.[76] United We Pride then had the flag sent to Paris, London, Berlin, Vancouver, Sydney, Miami, and Tokyo, ending in New York Urban center for Stonewall 50 – WorldPride NYC 2019.[77] [76] [78] The behemothic flag was produced by the flag originator Gilbert Baker, and measures 131 foursquare metres (ane,410 sq ft).[79] [80]

In June 2019, to coincide with 50-year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, steps at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park were turned into the largest LGBT pride flag.[81] The rainbow-busy 12-by-100-foot (3.7 chiliad × 30.v 1000) staircase Ascend With Pride was installed June 14–30.[81]

Influence [edit]

Additional pride flags

The popularity of the rainbow flag has influenced the creation and adoption of a broad variety of multi-color multi-striped flags used to communicate specific identities within the LGBT community, including the bisexual pride flag, pansexual pride flag, and transgender pride flags.

Spirit Day

Spirit Day, an almanac LGBT awareness twenty-four hours since 2010, takes its name from the violet stripe representing "spirit" on the rainbow flag. Participants wear purple to show support for LGBT youth who are victims of bullying.[82] [83]

See also [edit]

  • GLBT Historical Society: archival drove includes the only known surviving remnant of the original 1978 rainbow flags, along with a sewing machine used in their creation
  • Rainbows in culture
  • Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures

References [edit]

  1. ^ "The Rainbow Flag". Retrieved May 29, 2021.
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External links [edit]

  • "Unsung Heroes of the Gay Globe: Vexillographer Gilbert Baker". United kingdom Gay News. April 17, 2008. Archived from the original on Baronial 25, 2016.


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